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Mendeley (English): Bibliography

A manual of the reference program Mendeley. Here you will find what Mendeley is, how to install it and how Mendeley works.


You also include a bibliography in your document. You add this at the end of the document. This list lists all of your sources in alphabetical order by author.

It does not matter whether you already add the bibliography in your document while you are still adding references, or whether you only do this at the end. The list automatically adds a newly added source and puts it in the right place in your bibliography.

Please note, always check in which citation style you have your sources and bibliography. The information specialists at your college recommend using the APA style. You can choose this style at 'Citation Style.

Insert bibliography

Adding the bibliography is easy.

  1. Open Mendeley Cite via Word - References - Mendeley Cite
  2. Make sure the cursor is in the right place in the document. The list is added where the cursor is.
  3. Add the bibliography via More - Insert Bibliography
  4. The bibliography has been added to your document