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Mendeley (English): Manage and organize resources

A manual of the reference program Mendeley. Here you will find what Mendeley is, how to install it and how Mendeley works.

Find references

You can organize the references in your library in different ways and add information to them. By default in Mendeley there are the following labels:

  • Recently Added - Shows the references you've added to your library in the last 30 days.
  • Recently Read - This folder shows the references you have opened in the last 30 days.
  • Favorites - Star a reference to add it to this 'Favorites' folder.
  • My Publications - If you have a Scopus Author Profile, you can find publications written by you that are linked to your profile in Scopus in this folder.
  • Trash - Here you will find references that you have removed from your library.

Manage and organize options

You can organize your saved references by putting them in collections. These look like folders, but are actually labels (similar to the labels of emails in Gmail).

Adding a reference to a collection in your library does not move the reference. He can still be found via 'All references' and now also in the selected collection. It is possible to classify a reference under more than one collection. After you delete a collection, the references from this collection will still be available at 'All References'.

To create a new collection, select the 'New Collection' button in the left navigation panel and give it a name.

You can also create sub-collections under each collection by clicking on the three vertical dots and choosing 'New Collection':


You can change the order of the collections by dragging them up or down.

To add a reference to a collection, drag it from the library to the collection in the left navigation panel.

It is possible to create a group to share specific references with others. To do this, click on 'New group' in the left navigation panel under Groups and give it an appropriate name. If you right-click on this group name, you can invite others via Manage Group.

You can also subdivide the references that you place in this group into collections.

It is possible to assign keywords to found references yourself. These keywords are called 'tags' in Mendeley. This is an extra possibility to easily find references if you have collected a lot of them.

Clicking on a reference opens a panel on the right with information about that reference. There is an option to add tags:


You can choose these tags yourself, in a language of your choice.

If you want to see all references that you have given a certain tag, go to 'All references' in the left navigation panel and click on the top right  and then on Tags. You will now see a list of all the tags you have ever assigned. By clicking on a tag, you will see all references with that tag.

If you do not go to 'All references' but to a certain collection, the option   tab Tags only shows all tags that you have assigned to references from that collection in question.

The pop-up screen with filters lets you disappear from view again by clicking on again.