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Mendeley (English): Cite in Word

A manual of the reference program Mendeley. Here you will find what Mendeley is, how to install it and how Mendeley works.

Citations in document

If you have references in your Mendeley Library, you still need to add them to your document.

For this you need your Mendeley Library with references and the document in which you want to add the sources.

Here you can see the steps on how to add references in a document.

To add a bibliography, see the next page.

Cite in Word

To add a reference in your Word document you must first open Mendeley Cite.

Mendeley Cite can be found in Word under the References tab.

In Mendeley Cite you have several options to select a reference.

  • By default, all references are displayed (All References). If you have created folders, you can also select a folder here. Then only the references in that folder will be displayed
  • In the search bar you can type in part of the reference. Then only those results are shown.
  • After you have found the correct reference, select the reference.



Select the appropriate source.

An example of the reference appears at the top.

Make sure the cursor is in the right place in the document, which is where the reference will be inserted.

Click on Insert 1 Citation.

The source is now added to your document.