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Artificial intelligence: About, contact and sources

A guide on the use of AI (artificial intelligence) in education and research at the green universities of applied sciences


The purpose of this library guide is to provide an explanation of what artificial intelligence is, the guidelines for responsible use, what you can do with it, which tools are available, and how you can make use of them.

The library guide has been developed for Aeres University of Applied Sciences, HAS green academy, and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. The content has been compiled by the information specialists from these green universities of applied sciences and is published as Open Access.

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

The Hanze Library Groningen publication 'AI in Education' (Dutch) forms the basis of this library guide. In addition, numerous other sources have been consulted, see further details.


The development of GenAI is progressing rapidly. New AI tools are regularly introduced, results from new research become available, and professionals in various fields form new opinions. It is impossible to keep this library guide up-to-date without assistance. Therefore, this disclaimer and appeal: if you discover any missing or incorrect information, please contact us, see further details.


If you have any questions or comments regarding this library guide, please contact the information specialists at your university of applied science:

Improvements and additions are also welcome! We are specifically looking for brief descriptions of the practical application of AI in your education and research, which we would like to add to this library guide.

List of sources

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